Projects List's

 Theme Garden (Colours of Nature)
 Construction of Poly House at Roshanara Bagh nursery HQ/North-DMC
 Construction and Demolition Waste
 Nakshatra Vatika
 Vertical Garden using Waste Plastic Bottles, Development of Nakshatra Vatika, Mini Forest
 Community Fridge
 Re-use/Recycle of plastic / Plastic Free Markets Abhiyan
 Waste to Art Planters gallery at 34th Delhi Tourism Garden Festival (Organised from 19.02.2021 to 14.03.2021)
 Creation of Vertical Garden using Waste Plastic Bottles.
  Community Service Department vide its note has submitted the status of revenue generated from the booking of community hall during last 03 financial year which is about Rs. 05 core per annum and much less than the requirement of regular maintenance and up keep of these community halls, Community halls under PPP model. Accordingly, North DMC has proposed construction / reconstruction including maintenance due to old construction or under utilized due to less space on PPP Mode basis, on case to case basis on different models
 Compactor Vatika
 Garbage CafĂ©
 Wall of Kindness
 Beautification by Wall Paintings / Vertical Garden by using waste plastic bottles
 Tyre Planters, and animal figure created from waste materials
 Preparation of Flower Tower at Roshanra Bagh Nursery (HQ.)/North-DMC
 Handing over of 50 numbers of Urinals to M/s Omaxe Heritage Pvt. Ltd. for maintenance under CSR
 Sanitization of Roads
 Compost Pits at different places for disposal of Wet Waste
 QR Based System to review and monitoring the conditions of Public Toilets, Community Toilets and Dhalaos unde the jurisdiction of North Delhi Municipal Corporation under Swachh Survekshan 2021
 Wall Paintings at different locations of NorthDMC
 Innovative usage of waste material
 Innovatio Lab- A Journey to a new World